Minimal Effort, Potentially Maximum Results
Scene: you’re eating an amazing meal at one of your favorite restaurants. You have five big bites left on your plate, but you’re so, so full! Should you save the rest of the food for tomorrow, OR, despite being very aware that you don’t need to eat those bites now, you indulge and clear your plate? With my current lifestyle, more times than not, I oftentimes clear the plate (and if it’s spicy garlic wings? No question!). While that is a prime example of in-the-moment satisfaction, sometimes it’s healthier for us to not overindulge in what we enjoy.
Minimalists understand this well.
A minimalist is, by loose definition, someone who strives to only use things that serve a purpose. Now — everything I own, I can confidently say sparks joy or has at one point in my life sparked joy, however I don’t necessarily need everything that I currently have. A good friend of mine began incorporating the minimalist lifestyle in her everyday life, and she has had THE most positive things to say about it!! She’s noticed that she has a happier mindset, she feels like she can think clearer and focus better, she spends less money, and one of the biggest takeaways, she’s not nearly as attached to…